Become a Member at Daytona Lagoon

Get all of the benefits of a Daytona Lagoon Super Season Pass, plus some extra perks when you have a Daytona Lagoon Membership! We have three different membership levels so you can find the perfect package for your family. Starting a just $15 per month you can have fun year-round!


Bronze Membership

Get access to the Waterpark and Fun Park all year! Plus, special offers!

  • Unlimited access to Fun Park Attractions during operating hours

  • Unlimited access to Waterpark Attractions during operating hours

  • Exclusive offers and special discounts

Silver Membership

The perks of the Silver Membership with the addition of a Bring-a-Friend ticket every month and $5 on Bonus Arcade Play!

  • Unlimited access to Fun Park Attractions during operating hours

  • Unlimited access to Waterpark Attractions during operating hours

  • Exclusive offers and special discounts

  • 1 Bring-a-Friend per month (Fun Park Attractions & Waterpark Attractions)

  • $5 Bonus Arcade Play per month

  • 10% discount on merchandise

Gold Membership

Gold Memberships come with the most perks! Including 2 Bring-a-Friend tickets every month!

  • Unlimited access to Fun Park Attractions during operating hours

  • Unlimited access to Waterpark Attractions during operating hours

  • Exclusive offers and special discounts

  • 2 Bring-a-Friend per month (Fun Park Attractions & Waterpark Attractions)

  • $10 Bonus Arcade Play per month

  • 10% discount on merchandise

  • One free Souvenir Cup Refill per month (souvenir cups are purchased separately)

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, all memberships require a one-time $15 enrollment fee.

  • Memberships can be cancelled anytime after 12 months.

  • Memberships will renew each month on the date that you purchased.